You stare at the full moon dead ahead, and you make a break for it. Every footfall brings you further into a vast open landscape, with the sound of a loud large animal following you ravenously.

The further you run, the closer it gets. You stop on a grassy hill directly below the moon, and yell as if compelled by something base and raw. The animal, a gifantic wolf with humanistic claws, slashes at you, but you retaliate with a strong and unusually sharp bite to its neck. The two of you tussle and trade bites, until a kind of truce begins: it circles you, and you stare it down. Then it lets loose a howl, and looks at you expectantly.
A strange impulse comes over you, and you howl at the moon as if a wolf.

The animal, clearly a werewolf, scampers off in the direction of a nearby bush, disturbed by a small animal - probably a rabbit you think. Without fear of the werewolf, you stand on the hill, looking at the moon. You don't recall your arms feeling this itchy before.

As you wander on, you start to feel weird; as if sick but somehow strong, aware of everything around you but struggling to remember even simple facts, like the date, and your name. You pass under the shade of a tree and feel normal again, but moving on, forget why feeling normal mattered. You feel great! A wealth of energy flows through your body, as you find yourself back at the fence, staring at the house. You make a running leap over it, and grasp onto the house's wall with your... claws... and leap up higher than you ever have before to reach some wood paneling. Digging in, you shimmy half-carelessly until you're on the other side of the house, where a path below leads to some street. You drop down, and getting up on your hind legs, you start to feel strange again. You can't see the moon anymore, and your fingers feel awful; like they've been bathed in splinters.

You find a candy bag nearby: perhaps it was yours at one time, so you put it in your mouth and saunter home.